Saturday, November 24, 2012

Bubble in My Cup

I set MY rainbow…and it shall be for a sign of the covenant between Me and the earth.”
                           Genesis 9:13
I am pealing back the plastic lid like the Pastor is telling me to do, careful not to break the communion wafer. It has its own foil. I am looking at taking the Lord’s Supper in a 21st Century package.
“Whoa, that’s a trip,” I tell my wife. I turn my little coffee creamer-sized cup. “There’s a rainbow in my cup.” She pats my arm.
Half-joking she says, “That has to mean something.” 
Of course it does, to me anyway. It’s just something I have to take time to consume and digest on a few levels.
Every time someone mentions taking the Lord’s Supper they say to do so with the right heart and reason. I always wondered why. Maybe because it isn’t just a bit of cracker and bread anymore. Every day natural things change when they are touched with the supernatural hand of God.
I am not talking about it actually becoming flesh and blood. No, rather we take things into our life that can change us. It has significance to make a change because it’s now a part of us. I think our faith in Christ becomes real when it becomes personal. Otherwise it’s just a ritual that is striped of meaning.
Isn’t His sacrifice a promise? Isn’t it something presented to whosoever will? All we have to do is take it, open it, consume it, and now it’s a part of us. “God gives the supply, and it’s our job to apply,” The pastor also reminded us recently. Yep, we are what we eat. It has to change us from the inside out.
The rainbow in the past few decades has been used my a few groups with significantly different meanings. Its original meaning was God’s promise of salvation. He would provide a way for man not to be destroyed by sin.  That is in the life (the bread) and death (the blood) of His One and Only Son.
So, there you go. I think I see what this bubble is doing here. I am reminded that when I take the Lord’s Supper there is a greater promise backing it up. It’s not something I should do out of habit but out of awe and reverence. That little bubble holds a world of endless possibilities.
Maybe this pause is my way of letting the Lord know what I am taking his promises seriously. As I raise the tiny cup to my lips I think He is telling me the same thing.

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