Wednesday, January 9, 2013

40 to the 3rd power (40x40x40)

“Cast your burden on the Lord and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved.”
                                            Psalm 55:22

Timing is everything. Being at the right place at the right time is good but being the RIGHT person at the right place is even more important.

I have come to understand that maturity doesn't always come with age. Everyone matures differently and being a real adult is not always age-related. Even though I was getting married at thirty didn't mean I was really ready for that commitment.
The Lord took me to South Korea for a year in order to really grow my character and faith. I looked grown up on the outside but He knew I wasn't on the inside.

The Lord can make a wilderness out of any experience we face. It has the purpose of removing those things that have hindered our maturity and growing us up in faith. When I think of someone who knew the benefits of doing wilderness time I think of Moses. He thought he was ready but God knew the timing in his life better than he did.

He was a man who tried to be God's hand of justice for His people. At forty years old he was a Prince of Egypt and had all the world says one needs to be somebody. He was a man physically but he wasn't ready to be God's man yet. He needed forty years of wilderness training before he could have the right heart.

So, when things fell out Moses went live in the wilderness for forty more years. His issues were broken down and he was a rebuilt man by the time he heard the Lords call again.

If you do the math he was eighty years old when God called him out. Okay, thats when most people are retired and thinking about slowing down, Mo was getting cranked up. Was this a cruel joke? Did he wait too late? Was Moses past his prime?

The Lord knows a few things that we do not. Everything in His creation has a different length of maturity. Have you ever seen people you know who have made major changes later on in life? That could be that it has taken that long for them to come into bloom.  He knows the time, place, people, circumstances, and timing we are designed for. Just because a dream hasn't happened yet doesn't mean it won't later.  Dont loose heart if things are taking longer than you planned.

At almost forty-seven year old I feel The Lord is prepping me for something I was called to do for the rest of my life. You might think I am crazy but I am pacing myself for another fifty or so years. I feel like, if The Lord does not come soon, that I have a lot of work yet to do.

The thing is, it is the Lord's strength, direction, and purpose that powers these dreams. He has his timing and The Lord can keep a man or woman strong as long as He needs them to be.

Just a final footnote. Moses wasn't done at eight, or even a hundred. Because of extenuating circumstances and an entire stubborn generation, Moses lived a third set of forty years tramping in the wilderness.  40 x 3=120. When God uses a person He gets his money and time out if them.

We only have one life to live it might as well be lived to the fullest. Are you gearing up for the rest of your life?

(For you math people I know the title doesnt add up. Forty to the third power is actually 40x40x40 which equals 640. Look at it this way: Forty times three which represents the Trinity, which equals a life changed for eternity. It may not be perfect math but somehow its still a good equation.)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Awesome Gary!! I Agree 100% - Maturity comes at different times for each individual - Will be you there at the right time or will you miss your prime?
